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We are the Year Three Children!

Happy New Year!

In Year 3 this term, our topic is The Glorious Greeks. In History, we will be exploring what and where Ancient Greece was, how they lived and how they influenced life today from democracy to medicine to the Olympics. In Geography, we will be looking at modern day Greece and understanding how and why the capital city of Athens has changed over time. This will link with our DT topic where we will look at Greek cuisine and design and make our own Greek salads. In Art, we will be looking at sculpture and the ceramic artists Lucie Rei and Kate Malone. As well as designing our own Greek vases, we will make a vase out of clay inspired by the designs of Kate Malone. In Science, we will be studying electricity and light. In the first half term, the children will make circuits, understand how different components work and know how be safe when using electrical items. In the second half term, children will learn how light allows us to see, how shadows are formed and know how to be safe in the sun. 

To link with our topic on Greece, we will be reading 'Who Let the Gods Out' by Maz Evans and 'Corinthian Girl' by Christina Balit as well as some Greek myths. These books and stories will give us lots of inspiration for our English work throughout the term. 

After a great first term, I can't wait to see the work the children produce this term!


Mrs Sherlock

General reminders

  • PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. 
  • Please bring a named water bottle to school each day.
  • Children can bring a healthy snack to have mid-morning if they wish.
  • Maths homework and spellings will be sent home weekly and will be due in every Thursday when the children will also complete their weekly times table test and arithmetic test.
  • Keep reading regularly at home to receive a free Bookworm book in assembly! (5 reads a week for 10 weeks).
  • Please ensure any clothing or items the children bring into school are named so if they are lost, their property can be returned promptly to them.


Keep up the good work Willow Class!

Useful Links for Year 3:
