School Logo




Welcome to Chestnut Class

We are Reception (F2) children




Meet the team!

         Mrs Janson- Class Teacher        

Mrs Gregory-                                                                                                                                        Mrs Millership-

Teaching Partner (Mon-Wed)                                                                                                       Teaching Partner (Wed-Fri)         




Our Indoor Classroom....

Our Outdoor Classroom.....

Gallery- Let's see what we've been up to!

Adding music to Peace at Last with Mrs Denman

Matlock Farm Park

A great first week back after Christmas!

It's Christmas!

Fun in the snow and ice!

Welcome Service

We had a wonderful time at our Welcome Service. We performed some songs and talked about what we enjoy doing at school. At the end, Rev. Stevenson presented us with our own Bible and Prayer book to keep! 

A Day in the Life of Chestnut Class!

We had an amazing first day at 'Big School' and enjoyed making new friends. 
