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Our Governing Body

The School's Governing Body help and support the Headteacher run the school for the benefit of all the children. They are responsible for monitoring expenditure, ensuring polices and procedures are in line with regulations, personnel issues and other important aspects of school life. They bring with them experience of the wider community from all walks of life. The Governors also support the school's social and fund-raising activities.


They meet as a Full Governing Body each term or more frequently if the need arises.


They also meet at Committee Meetings and report back to the Full Governing Body on issues such as curriculum, finance and pupils and personnel. Governors usually serve a four year term in office with the exception of the headteacher and the parish priest who are Governors at the school whilst they are in post.


The Governing Body was reconstituted in 2015 and now consists of:

NamePositionCategory of GovernorAppointing BodyTerm of Office (4 years)Committee MembershipsLink Governor AppointmentsGovernor Roles in Other SchoolsAny Direct or Indirect Business Interests Connected with SchoolAny Relationship with School Staff Including Partners and Relatives
Liam RussellChairLocal Authority GovernorLocal Authority04/08/2019 - 03/08/2027SDC, PAY, F&GPPPCurriculum, HT Performance Management, School Improvement Plan, InclusionEmployed by NCC as Clerk to GovernorsNoneNone
Julie RoeVice Chair   Co-optedGoverning Body09/05/2020 - 08/05/2028SDC, F&GPPP, Pay (Full voting rights)Curriculum, HT Performance Management, Financial OverviewNoneNoneNone
Ian BaxterHead TeacherHTGoverning Body19/04/2022 - (ex-officio)SDC, F&GPPP, Pay (not voting)NoneNoneNoneNone
David Stevenson FoundationDiocese of Southwell and Nottingham22/01/2010 - (ex-officio)SDC, Pay, HT Performance ManagementChurch Distinctiveness and Collective Worship, HT Performance Management, SENDNoneNoneNone
Rachel Lake FoundationDiocesan Board of Education01/09/2020 - 31/08/2028F&GPPPDiocesan Board of Education, Policies, Safeguarding, CurriculumNoneNoneNone
Clare Thorne Staff GovernorElected by Staff11/05/2023 - 10/05/2027SDC NoneNoneNone
Adam Summers ParentElected by Parents15/03/2021 - 14/03/2025SDC, F&GPPPHealth & Safety, GDPR, NumeracyNoneNoneNone
Katherine Green FoundationParochial Church Council18/07/2022 - 17/07/2026SDC Sports PremiumNoneNoneNone
Linda Sisson Co-optedGoverning Body11/05/2023 - 10/05/2027SDC, F&GPPPGovernor TrainingNoneNoneNone
Leanne Marshall ParentElected by Parents20/11/2023 - 19/11/2027SDCEYFSNoneNoneNone
Nicola Epathite ParentElected by Parents18/11/2024 - 17/11/2028SDC, F&GPPP NoneNoneNone
Kelly Janson Co-optedGoverning Body22/01/2025 - 21/01/2029SDC, F&GPPP NoneNoneNone
Abbreviations:  SDC - Strategic Development Committee; F&GPPP - Finance and General Purpose, Pupils and Personnel Committee; 
The clerk to the Governing Body is Helen Bonsor.

All governors may be contacted via the School Office.

Meet our Governors


Liam Russell

Chair of Governors

Local Authority Governor



Hello, I’m Liam Russell, Chair of Governors at Underwood. I’ve been a governor here for about 14 years – far longer than I ever thought I would!  It has been a fulfilling experience, I am passionate about the importance of a high quality education for children, and the ethos and sense of the community around the school really resonates with me, hence why I have stayed as a governor for this long.  I’ve been Chair for around the last seven years.


I don’t have any children, but live in the village and initially wanted to get involved as I’m a believer in putting something back into the community.  At the time, I was also looking for a new challenge, and being a governor seemed to fit the bill!  The school is and always has been a really lovely, friendly, and effective place to be – children are at the heart here, and staff work so hard to really live the school motto – ‘Being the BEST we can be!’


I’ve enjoyed being involved in shaping the future direction of the school, and always striving to be even better.  Seeing the children develop and flourish at Underwood is definitely the best part of being a governor, and knowing that in a small way, as governors, we have helped enable that.


Thank you to all the parents, carers, staff and children for making Underwood such a fantastic school!


Julie Roe


Co-opted Governor



Hello, my name is Julie Roe.  I have lived in Underwood for the last 40 years - many of you will have seen me walking my beagle dog about the village.  I am a Community Governor at Underwood School.  I re-joined the governing body in 2015 and I am the Vice Chair.


I first became a Parent Governor in 1999 when both my daughters were at Underwood, this seemed a natural progression from going into school to listen to readers (volunteered by my eldest daughter!), helping with the weekly swimmers and joining the then Parent Teachers Association.  I carried on until 2007 when work commitments meant that I could no longer continue in the role. 


When an opportunity came for me to re-join in 2015 I grabbed it with both hands, somehow and somewhere along the way the school had ‘got into my soul’ when my daughters were there and it has never left; the school is very important to me and is a credit to our community.


I am one of the link governors for the curriculum which means talking to the teachers and the children about how the curriculum is helping us achieve our vision of ‘Being the BEST we can be!’ and how it is delivered to meet the needs of all of our learners and how can we evidence their progression.


I enjoy speaking to the teachers about their work but I especially enjoy speaking to the children and seeing their enthusiasm for learning and genuinely wanting to be the BEST that they can be!  It is clear to see that the children are proud of their school.  I also get involved in most of the staff recruitment: I find this very rewarding.  Recruiting the right people to work with our children is something that we take very seriously. 


I am now employed by a charity but see the role as a volunteer governor as my way of giving back to our  community and pay back for the wonderful education and life-long love of learning that my both daughters received at Underwood.  I enjoy being part of the decision making process that helps shape the direction that the school is going.  I would encourage any parent or community member to become a school governor and help shape our children's education.


Dr Ian Baxter

Head Teacher



Hello, my name is Ian Baxter.  As the head teacher, I provide the governors with a detailed overview of life in school.  The head teacher attends three governors’ meetings a term: one focuses on strategic development; one focuses on finance and general purposes, pupils and personnel and there is also one full governors’ meeting.  In these meetings I present key information to governors and endeavour to answer any questions they may have. 


Part of the governors’ role is to ‘hold the head teacher to account’ and in doing so they will challenge me about different actions that I may have taken or am going to take.  Before each full governors’ meeting, I prepare a confidential report each term which provides a detailed overview of life in school over the previous few months.


I am very fortunate at Underwood to work with a group of governors who are very committed, informed and engaged and who work very hard both individually and as a team to ensure that we are, ‘Being the BEST we can be!’ in line with our school vision.  One of the things I enjoy most about working with the governors is being able to celebrate the successes and achievements of our school and planning with them how this momentum can be maintained.  Although often working in the background, the governors play a crucial strategic role in helping the school to thrive.


Clare Thorne

Staff Governor


Hello, my name is Clare Thorne and I am the Deputy Head and SENCO at Underwood and I have been on the governing body for 2 years now as a staff governor.  As a governor and staff member, I am heavily involved in the strategic direction of the school as well as ensuring that the staff voice is represented.  Before becoming a staff governor, I attended the governor meetings as an observer in my deputy head role and then was asked a short while later to become the staff governor. Being part of the governing body is a real honour and it links so closely to my many roles in school too.


Reverend David Stevenson

Foundation ex-officio



Hello, my name is Reverend David Stevenson.  When I became vicar of the Parish of Brinsley with Underwood in 2009 one of my responsibilities was to become a foundation (Church) Governor.


During my many years on the governing body I had several roles, including collective worship and religious education.  I am also the SEND governor. 


It is rewarding to see the children develop and “become the BEST they can be! by Believing, Experiencing, Succeeding Together!”


Rachel Lake

Diocesan Board of Education


Hello, my name is Rachel Lake.  I have been a governor at Underwood School for around twenty years.  I am the Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese.  I am nominated by our PCC (that is the local Church council) but appointed by Southwell Board of Education.  I have previously worked in various scientific environments both as a technician and a laboratory manager over the years and have had some brief stints as a stay-at-home mum, play leader and a secondary school teacher.


My own children all attended Underwood, and I saw them thrive here, but they had long since left when I agreed to take the role.  Being a governor helps me to continue to stay in touch with others in the community, but as I have no direct connection with any pupils or staff I hope that this enables me to provide a balanced and independent opinion on governing body decisions.  I am the safeguarding governor and policy governor; the governors’ role is to understand how the school is following statutory guidance, keeping children safe and providing each child with the best opportunities.


I am now a licensed lay minister in the local church and lead worship in both Underwood and Brinsley so I am keen to see links maintained between the school and the church and to support the Christian ethos at the school.   I did not grow up in a practising Christian home but came to faith as a teenager, Jesus’ words that he came to bring ‘life in all its fullness’ really struck me all those years ago.  I love seeing how the school has embraced these same words as the inspiration for the motto “Being the BEST we can be!” and how it has been developed with the BEST values.


I am lucky enough to have retired from full time work a few years early, so I can be available to do more at church and in the community so you might see me around the village.  I also love being outdoors, at the allotment or spending time with my grandchildren.


Katherine Green

Parochial Church Council


Hello, my name is Katherine Green and I live in Underwood.  I have been a governor for just over two years.  I am one of the foundation governors appointed by the Parochial Church Council at St Michael's & All Angels Church.  I am also a parent with two children and my daughter is currently at the school.  I am on the Strategic Development Committee and the Link Governor for Sports Premium.  This involves understanding how the sports premium is used and the impact this is having on pupils' fitness and health. 


I became a governor because I wanted to support my local school and help maintain links with the church and community.  I was also interested in developing my own understanding of how the school operates.  The role has given me a greater insight into the working life of the school including the challenges and strengths.  I have enjoyed getting to know the staff, pupils and fellow governors and being able to offer my support as well as raise any questions.  It has been a great opportunity!


Linda Sisson

Co-opted Governor



Hello, my name is Linda Sisson.  I was a career civil servant of some 48 years, now retired.  During that time, I held senior management positions across a number of different government departments.


On retiring from work, I decided to volunteer at Underwood C of E School, to assist in the development of the children’s reading skills.  I chose this school because it is my local school (having lived in Underwood for 46 years!) and because of our family links over a number of years, when my husband, two sons and currently my grandson, all attended this school.  I thoroughly enjoy the time I spend reading with the children, who are drawn from a number of classes across the school.


I was subsequently asked if I was interested in becoming a governor and was duly nominated and co-opted on to the governing body, some 2 years ago.  I am committed to the good governance and success of the school.


My role on the board is to identify and recommend suitable training and/or reading material, aimed at continuously developing the governor team – to support our continued growth and development.


I feel it is a privilege to be both a volunteer, and governor, at Underwood C of E School, where all children are encouraged and supported to be the BEST they can be!


Kelly Janson

Co-opted Governor



Hello, my name is Kelly Janson and I am the Reception teacher and Early Years Lead.  I have been a teacher for 19 years and this is my second year at Underwood. I have recently joined the governing body as a co-opted governor.


The significance of the governing body and its role within school is something that has always interested me and so when a position became available I jumped at the chance to become involved in the inner workings of school life.  As an Early Years teacher, I am also excited to share my experience of working day to day with our youngest children and sharing my knowledge and skills about how very young children learn.



Adam Summers

Parent Governor


Hello, my name is Adam Summers and I have four children three of whom attend the school and one who attended Underwood until last year when she left for secondary school.  I have been a governor for three and a half years but before that I attended the school myself - as have many of my family members.  With these many and established links I wanted to become a governor in order to contribute something back to the school community. 


Currently, I work for Rolls Royce as a manufacturing engineer and a workplace representative for Unite where I am also a health and safety rep.  I have been able to use my knowledge and skills from this role on the governing body where I am responsible for health and safety in school.  I am also the governor responsible for mathematics. 


I consider it to be a great privilege to be a parent governor for our school providing the opportunity to support, help guide and challenge the head teacher and staff.  I help in any way that I can in school which includes being a member of FIS, helping build the outdoor nativity scene and providing transport for school events wherever possible. 


My passion is that the children at Underwood have every opportunity to be the BEST they can be, that they enjoy life in all its fullness and flourish in a positive and successful environment that promotes learning for life!


Leanne Marshall

Parent Governor




Hello, my name Leanne.  I’m kept on my toes by my four boys.  I have one boy who has recently moved to secondary school and one currently at the school.  With the exception of a couple of years, I have always lived in Underwood and was a pupil here myself.  I am also a registered nurse and have a keen interest in education.


I have been a parent governor for a year now and my link roles are on the strategic development committee and I am the EYFS link governor.


I became a governor because I love our little village school, I have such amazing memories of being a pupil at Underwood and my eldest had a brilliant time here too and so I wanted to give a little back.  I was also interested to find out about the workings of the school and how school supports those children who find learning challenging.


As a governor I find it interesting learning about how the school runs and getting to know the other governors and staff.  There has been lots of training available to help with getting started as a governor and everyone is incredibly supportive.  The thing that I have enjoyed the most is meeting the children during my visits, seeing how happy they are and hearing them talk about how proud they are of their work. 


Being a parent governor enables a parent perspective to be heard at meetings and allows us to help shape the future of our village school. 


Nicola Epathite

Parent Governor



Hello, my name is Nicola Epathite.  I am brand new to the governing role, as a parent governor.  I have a child at Underwood and a soon to be 3 year old.


I wanted to become a governor to get involved in school life more.  I have been in education for 20 years working across the sectors and currently I am an Inclusion Support Advisory Teacher for DCC.  I am passionate about ensuring all children and young people receive the education they deserve and that we strive for excellence for them all; ‘being the BEST we can be!’.


I am looking forward to what the role of parent governor holds and hope to be able to bring my knowledge and expertise to my child’s local school.


Register of Governor Meeting Attendance (2024-2025)

Register of Governor Meeting Attendance (2023-2024)

Governor Statement 2023-2024

Governor Statement 2022-2023

Governors Statement 2021-2022

Governor Statement 2020-2021
