Extra-Curricular Activities
Please find below a list of the extra-curricular activities which we will be offering during this half-term. As a school we are committed to providing our children with a broad and balanced education. We believe that the provision of extra-curricular activities plays an important role in promoting personal, social and health education as well as providing an opportunity for children to develop new skills and talents.
Lunchtime Club:
Y5/6 Gardening Club - Monday Lunchtime - Mrs Ball
Afterschool Clubs:
KS2 Choir - Wednesday - 3.30 until 4.15pm - Mrs Peall
Here's a selection of the clubs on offer throughout the year...
Art Club |
Athletics |
Basketball |
Boccia |
Choir |
Cricket |
Cross Country |
Dance |
Disney Club |
Futsal |
Gardening Club
Hockey |
Journalism |
Mini Football
Multi Skills
Netball Club |
Performing Arts
Recorders |
Street Dance |
Super Seekers |
Table Tennis |
Tag Rugby