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Spring Term

Chestnut Class 2023-2024

Spring 2: Creepy Crawlies and Amazing Animals

This term we are delving into the world of animals and minibeasts. We will look at the life cycle of butterflies and ladybirds, exploring each time through non-fiction texts and videos. The children will love hunting for mini beasts in our outside area. Searching under rocks and containers to see what might be hiding underneath! We will also look at some of the larger animals in our world. Our vet role play area will allow us to experience some of the things needed to care for our pets and we will also be going on a class trip to Matlock Farm Park! We will practise applying our phonic knowledge to write words, phrases and simple sentences as part of our drawing club text 'What the Ladybird Heard.'


Our Christian Value this term is FORGIVENESS. 

Special Visitors!

Spring 1: Fantasy and Fairytales


This term we will be looking at fantasy worlds and fairytales. We will begin with the story of Jack and the beanstalk before looking at other tales. We will also read alternative versions of some of our favourite stories. Through our learning about Jack and the Beanstalk we will begin discussions about growing. We will observe the growth of our spring bulbs in the garden and grow some of our own broad beans in the classroom, thinking about what they need to grow healthy and strong. We will then move onto to looking at Superheroes though the story of Supertato. We will learn about healthy food choices linked to our work on growing and also begin to look at the season of Spring. In the finally few weeks of the term we will explore the world of the dinosaurs, delving into the past and thinking about what the earth may have been like when the dinosaurs roamed!  


Our Christian Value this term is HONESTY. 

Chinese New Year!
