Our Mission Statement, Core Values and Aims
Our Mission Statement:
At Underwood C of E Primary School, we work together to ensure that our school is a happy, safe and exciting place to learn. We respect and care for each other and everyone around us and have high expectations of what we can achieve. Relationships in our school are founded on the following six Christian values: Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Forgiveness, Determination and Humility. These values lay positive foundations for a lifelong love of learning and ensure that everyone is unique and valued.
Our Vision:
‘I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.’
John 10:10
Our vision is expressed through our school motto, ‘Being the BEST we can be!’ which underpins and permeates all that we do in school. Through this vision we aim to create and maintain an environment which enables all members of the school community to flourish in all aspects of their lives - being the BEST they can be in mind, body and spirit by:
Believing – Experiencing – Succeeding – Together
'Believing' by...
- Providing a safe, welcoming and happy learning environment that enables each child to have a belief in themselves, their abilities and their potential.
- Providing a school where each child knows that they are valued and respected as individuals and that they have a voice that will be listened to.
- Developing confidence, independence and high self-esteem; respecting ourselves, each other and the environment by living our Christian values.
- Providing a school where everyone values the importance and love of life-long learning and where everyone has the opportunity to become a confident and successful learner.
- Encouraging everyone to see that as global citizens they can make a difference to our world - locally, nationally and globally.
- Ensuring our children aim high and that they do not settle for second best.
- Instilling a culture of positive, mutually supportive relationships that foster a belief in oneself and a belief in others.
'Experiencing' by...
- Providing an engaging ‘learning for life’ curriculum which both positively prepares our children for the opportunities and challenges of their lives today and encourages them to become life-long learners for the future.
- Developing lively enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity, creativity and resourcefulness.
- Providing a wide range of opportunities that help to develop well-balanced individuals, spiritually, emotionally and socially
- Developing, promoting and encouraging healthy and active lifestyles.
- Being happy, safe and inspired to achieve the highest possible standards in all that we do.
- Providing the strategies that will help nurture pupils to overcome challenges and difficulties for themselves enabling them to become autonomous and adaptable learners.
- Helping children become resilient learners who see the value and importance of keeping going and not giving up.
- Creating opportunities for children to understand that they have the capacity to control, improve and value their own learning outcomes.
- Promoting a ‘have-a-go’ culture where engagement, participation and enjoyment are valued as essential stepping stones to achievement and success.
'Succeeding' by...
- Ensuring that everyone enjoys the opportunity to achieve, and to celebrate and take pride in their own achievements, in the achievements of others and in the school as a whole.
- Celebrating achievement and identifying the contribution that effort has made towards it.
- Providing a stimulating, rich and relevant curriculum which enables children to leave our school as literate, numerate, creative and informed individuals.
- Providing quality teaching that seeks to engage, inspire and motivate all pupils securing clear evidence of improvements in their learning.
- Enabling the entire school community to engage with, participate in and commit to our learning journey, prioritising quality provision and establishing opportunities to become confident and successful learners.
- Recognising progress and achievement in a way that rewards individuals, creates positive memories and inspires others.
'Together' by...
- Creating an environment where the success of individuals is acknowledged as being part of an equally valued TEAM culture where ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’.
- Recognising that we are partners in the education of our pupils and committed to developing a strong partnership with our parents / carers, the Church and the wider community.
- Ensuring that everyone who is associated with our rights respecting school community is committed to its success and treats one another with tolerance, kindness and respect.
- Working with organisations beyond the school who with their insight, resources and expertise can enhance the quality of our existing provision.
- Creating opportunities for everyone to make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community through tangible activity, a sense of pride and respect for themselves and others.
Our school rule is ‘Ready - Respectful - Safe.’