School Dinners

Apply for free school meals
We want to make sure as many eligible pupils as possible are claiming their free school meals. We use the Department for Education's free school meals eligibility checking system to determine eligibility. To apply, you will need to register and provide:
- your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
- your last name
- your date of birth
If your entitlement to free school meals cannot be assessed through the eligibility checking system, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) will let you know. If you think you are eligible to the benefits listed below you can provide them with more details for a manual assessment.
Universal infant school meals (UIFSM) provides funding for schools to offer free school meals to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. However, it is important that parents who receive one of the qualifying benefits register for free school meals as this enables our school to claim pupil premium and support towards other benefits, for example additional support and subsidised trips.
You can apply for free school meals online or by contacting NCC on 0300 500 80 80. Alternatively you can complete an application form. Further details can be accessed via the attached link
In addition to this, please find details of an independent, free and anonymous benefits calculator This enables you to check what financial support you could be entitled to and will give you an estimate of:
- the benefits you could get
- how much your benefit payments could be
- how your benefits will be affected if you start work or increase your hours
- how your benefits will be affected if your circumstances change - for example, if you have a child or move in with your partner