Autumn Term
Autumn 2: Winter Wonderland and Celebrations
This term we are exploring the season of Winter. We will look at changing materials in particular freezing and melting linked to the weather and the wider world. The story of Stickman will help us talk about the changing seasons and how they differ. In Celebrations we will explore Remembrance Sunday, Bonfire Night, Diwali and of course Christmas. We will finish the term learning the Nativity Story.
Our Christian Value this term is RESPECT.
Chocolate apples and fireworks!
Autumn 1: Marvellous Me
During our first term at school we will be getting to know each other and learning about what makes us special and unique. As part of this topic we have talked about our families and who lives in our home with us! We have also thought about our new school and classroom, setting the expectations and embracing the school rule of being 'Ready, Respectful, Safe.'
Our Christian Value this term is KINDNESS.