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Welcome to Birch Class

Birch Class are Year 1 with Mrs Peall as their teacher. 


Year 1 have come back well after a busy Christmas break and have already completed some amazing work! What a brilliant year we have ahead of us. :)  

This term, our topic is...

On the move...

We will be studying the history of transport and how it has developed through time. In our English work, we will be focussing on narrative work around 'The Building Boy' and 'The Crow's Tale', both linking to our transport topic. In art, we are going to be making collages of a chosen vehicle and in DT, we will be completing more woodwork to make a moving vehicle! In Spring 2, we will be visiting Crich Tramway Museum which promises to be a great trip.  

Key reminders:


- PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure PE kit comes in on a Monday ready for the week. 

- The children will be able to take home a Monster Phonics reading book each week after their guided reading session. These will be different days for each child so please continue to read different reading materials at home too. The guided reading books will be changed the following week during their next in school session. Please send your child into school with their diary and reading book every day

- Our library slot is a Wednesday afternoon where the children will get to choose a 'Reading for Pleasure' book. Please ensure this comes back to school each Wednesday.

- Maths homework is sent home each Friday and is always due the following Wednesday. It will always be based on the maths we have been doing that week. 

- Spelling homework will also be sent home on a Friday ready for the spelling check the following Friday

- Diaries are signed each Friday to count the number of reads that week. If your child reads 5 times, they will be awarded a bookworm token. When they have accumulated 10 of these, they will receive a free book! 

- If you have any questions about life in Year 1, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Peall at
