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The Subject Leader for music is Mrs. Miller


Music is a strength of the school and there are many opportunities for the children to take part in this area. It is a way of communicating with others, providing creative stimulus and enjoyment and encouraging co-operation between participants.


Music is not intended to cater for the needs of just the talented; everyone can derive considerable fulfilment and enjoyment from studying and practising music.


Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to have individual tuition from the Arts Support Service and there is the opportunity to join the choir, which is held on Monday lunchtimes.


Throughout the year the children participate in Harvest festival, Christmas and Easter Services.We also hold a Mother’s Day Service and a Father's Day service for mums, grandmas, dads and grandads. We sing and play instruments and make gifts for our mums and dads.


A Welcome Service is held every year at the Church, when the new YR children are welcomed into the school/church community and the vicar presents them all with a Bible.


In the Summer term, we hold a music and dance festival on the school field which enables to children to express their talents.


In Key Stage 1


Children are taught how to sing and play musical instruments. They explore sounds and create their own short compositions. They learn to listen carefully, finding out and describing how sounds can change: for example, getting higher, lower, louder, quieter. They experience a wide range of music from different times and cultures.


By the end of KS1 most children are able to

  • Sing songs from memory
  • Play simple untuned instruments with confidence and an awareness of pulse
  • Investigate, choose and combine sounds to produce simple compositions
  •  Tell stories with sounds and produce simple graphic scores.
  • Talk in simple, but appropriate terms about sounds and music they have made, listened to, performed or composed.
  •  Respond to short pieces of music from different cultures; showing an awareness of differences and similarities


In Key Stage 2


Children sing and play musical instruments in a controlled way. They learn to perform music in groups, and see how their own contribution makes a difference to the whole performance. The children begin to learn how to express their ideas and feelings through their own music. They listen to many different types of music, picking out the detail and learning how it was created and used.


By the end of Key Stage 2 most children are able to

  • Join in enthusiastically with both singing and performing music and enjoy making music for a variety of audiences.
  • Work co-operatively to create and perform music within a group
  • Compose short musical pieces and is able to use a basic musical framework in order to create simple compositions.
  • Comment on different musical elements within a composition and be able to recognize how music can be affected by the time and place in which it is written.

Music Curriculum Progression Plan
